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2024 Barcelona Baseball Cup Rosters Announced For Three Teams 

 Matt Tallarini - World Baseball Network  |    Sep 17th, 2024 2:55pm EDT

The 2024 Barcelona Baseball Cup from September 24-29, hosted by the Federació Catalana Beisbol i Softbol, will have four teams compete against each other for six days in Estadio Viladecans and Estadio Barcelona in Spain.  

Jordi Valles Mestres is the president of the FCBS and will supervise the roster building for the FCBS Selection Team in the next few days prior to the start of the 2024 BBC. 

The Algodoneros de Guasave of Liga ARCO Mexicana del Pacífico, the Cocodrilos de Matanzas of the Cuban Serie Nacional, an FCBS Selection Team, and a Spain All-Star Team will participate at the 2024 BBC.  

All 2024 BBC game tickets will be sold at https://boletomovil.com/evento/abono-barcelona-baseballcup-2024 

Armano Ferrer will manage the Cocodrilos de Matanzas.  

The Cocodrilos de Matanzas has not yet announced the remaining coach staff they will bring to the 2024 BBC.  

The Cocodrilos de Matanzas announced their 2024 BBC official roster on September 14. Nine reinforcement players who were not on their 2024 Serie Nacional regular season roster will travel to Barcelona.  

The Cocodrilos de Matanzas won the second year of the Elite League in the 2023-24 regular season and beat the Cazadores de Artemisa in six games.  

Adrián Pérez, Yariel Duque, Luis Ángel Sánchez, Andrys Pérez, Ariel Sánchez, Eduardo Blanco, José Noroña, Yosniel Camejo, José Pren, Noervys Entenza, Renner Rivero, Yamichel Pérez, Dennis Quesada, and Roilan Averoff are the only players from the Cocodrilos de Matanzas official roster returning from the 2024 Serie Nacional regular season that will be on the 2024 BBC roster.  

The FCBS selection team official roster for the 2024 BBC will include players who played in the Division de Honor de Beisbol in Spain, the FCBS high-level league, other European professional leagues, and Liga Mexicana de Beisbol.  

Daniel A. Martinez is the manager of the FCBS selection team. Jose Luis Riera is the bench coach, Charles Poe is the hitting coach, Jordi Perez is the third base coach, Victor J. Lopez is the first base coach, Ruben D. Fente is the pitching coach, Alex Tome is the bullpen coach, and Adria Alcaide is the assistant coach under Martinez.  

The Algodoneros de Guasave announced their roster for the 2024 BBC under manager Ramirez Cabrera.  

Cabrera’s coaching staff will include bench coach Ramon Orantes Rodarte, associate manager Alexis Jolbert Cabrera, quality coordinator Jacob Antonio Cruz, pitching coach Carlos Andres Eilzalde, assistant pitching coach Ignacio Rodriguez, hitting coach Jose Prado Macias, catchers coach Jair Fernandez, third base coach Luis Ivan Cervantes, first base coach Javier Robles, and assistant coach Salvador Patron Sepulveda.  

The Spain All-Star Team roster consists of players who play in División de Honor de Béisbol, which is operated by the Real Federación Española de Béisbol y Sófbol.  

Juan Garcia will manage the Spain All-Star Team at the 2024 BBC, with assistant coaches Richard Montiel, Inaki Alfonso, and Ismael Garcia under his supervision.  

The president of the RFBS is Jesus Lisarri.  

In the next few days, fcbs.cat will have up-to-date information on where the 2024 Barcelona Baseball Cup will be streamed on its social media channels or its website. 

2024 FCBS Selection Roster Barcelona Baseball Cup  

Catchers (Team)  

Omar Hernandez (CB Viladecans)  

Guillem Maled (CBS Sant Boi)  

Marc Rodriguez (Palfinger Reggio Rays)  

Outfielders (Team)  

Frank Hernandez (CB Viladecans)  

Edgar Rodriguez (Astros Valencia)  

Javier Monzon (San Inazio Beisbol)  

Roibert Decena (Astros Valencia)  

Alejandro Saenz (Palfinger Reggio Rays)  

Infielders (Team)  

Wander Encarnacion (Parma Clima)  

Edison Valerio (Tenerife Marlins)  

Samu Salas (CBS Sant Boi)  

Elvinyer Lopez (CB Barcelona)  

Roberto Valentin (CB Viladecans)  

Pitchers (Team)  

Elian Leyva (Leones de Yucatan)  

Odrisamer Despaigne (Leones de Yucatan)  

Jorge Balboa (Astros Valencia)  

Eric Paez (CBS Sant Boi)  

Kerson Trinidad (CBS Barcino)  

Marc Civit (Fortitudo Bologna)  

Lluc Mazon (CB Viladecans)  

Zael Honora (Astros Valencia)  

Yeison Sisneros (CBS Sant Boi)  

Yojhan Tovar (CBS Gava)  

Brhayan Betancourt (CB Barcelona)  

Fran Sanchez (CB Viladecans)  

Manel Baena (CB Viladecans)  

Juan M. Lopez (CBS Sant Boi)  

Rodolfo Figueredo (CBS Sant Boi)  

Sergi Palma (CBS Sant Boi)  

Cipriano Gutierrez (CBS Sant Boi)  

Jesus Da Silva (Munich-Haar Disciples)  

Hugo Leon (CBS Sant Boi)  

2024 Algodoneros de Guasave – Barcelona Baseball Cup Official Roster  


Jose Heberto Felix  

Carlos Eduardo Garzon  

Brandon Sebastian Jaime  

Jose Sebastian Lizarraga  

Irving Alexis Wilson 


Jesus Castillo Montano  

Brayan Cota Castro  

Javier Angel Erro  

Keven Alexis Lamas  

Alan Essau Lopez  

Victor Jose Rodriguez  

Yael Alejandro Romero  

Jose Andres Villa   


Hector Randy Delgado  

Yadir Dominguez Drake  

Francisco Hernadez Mata  

Elmer Alejandro Lopez  


Jesus Fabian Anguamea  

Jesus Manuel Broca  

Victor Manuel Buelna  

Jesus Aaron Castro  

Alejandro Cervantes  

Rafael Cordova  

Juan Manuel Cosio  

Christian David Crespo  

Eugene Edward Encina  

Ariel Humberto Garcia  

Jesus Abelardo Huerta  

Jeffrey James Ibarra  

Ivan Alejandro Izaguirre  

Alex Eduardo Longoria  

Edgar Omar Lugo  

Rogelio Martinez Lopez  

Ian Saul Medina  

Jorge Eduardo Monroy  

Carlos Morales Lopez  

Gonzalo Guadalupe Ochoa  

Jorge Antonio Perez  

Kevin Antionio Ribon  

Oscar Manuel Rojas  

Vidal Sotelo Rivera  

2024 Cocodrilos de Matanzas Barcelona Baseball Cup Official Roster 

*Reinforcement Players 


Andrys Pérez  

Yosvani Alarcón (Leñadores de Las Tunas)* 


Adrián Pérez  

Yariel Duque  

Luis Ángel Sánchez  

Yordan Manduley (Sabuesos de Holguín)* 

Yordanis Samón (Toros de Camagüey)* 


Ariel Sánchez 

Eduardo Blanco  

José Noroña  

Yosniel Camejo  

José Pren  

Alexander Pozo (Huracanes de Mayabeque)* 


Noervys Entenza  

Renner Rivero  

Yamichel Pérez 

Dennis Quesada 

Roilan Averoff 

Pedro Mesa (Elefantes de Cienfuegos)* 

Danny Betancourt (Avispas de Santiago de Cuba)* 

Dachel Duquesne (Tigres de Ciego de Ávila)* 

Jesús Enrique Pérez (Sabuesos de Holguín)* 

Leandro Martínez (Alazanes de Granma)* 

2024 Barcelona Baseball Cup Schedule 

All Game Start Times Are Eastern Daylight Time 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 

Cocodrilos de Matanzas vs. FCBS Selection Team – 2 p.m. – Estadio Viladecans 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 

Algodoneros de Guasave vs. Cocodrilos de Matanzas – 2 p.m. – Estadio Viladecans 

Thursday, September 26, 2024 

Algodoneros de Guasave vs. FCBS Selection Team – 2 p.m. – Estadio Viladecans   

Friday, September 27, 2024 

FCBS Selection Team vs. Spain All-Star Team – 10 a.m. – Estadio Barcelona 

Cocodrilos de Matanzas vs. Algodoneros de Guasave – 2 p.m. – Estadio Barcelona 

Saturday, September 28, 2024 

Cocodrilos de Matanzas vs. Spain All-Star Team – 5 a.m. – Estadio Viladecans 

FCBS Selection Team vs. Cocodrilos de Matanzas – 8:30 a.m. – Estadio Viladecans 

Spain All-Star Team vs. Algodoneros de Guasave – 2 p.m – Estadio Viladecans 

Sunday, September 29, 2024 

Championship Game – No. 1 seed vs. No. 2 seed – noon – Estadio Viladecans 

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Matt Tallarini - World Baseball Network
Matthew (Matt) Tallarini is the Founder and Chief Correspondent for the World Baseball Network.