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World Baseball Softball Confederation Announces Rule Changes

 Brad McCaffrey  |    Jun 26th, 2024 3:15pm EDT

Today, the World Baseball Softball Confederation, also known as the WBSC, updated its rules. These changes will be implemented for the first time in the tournament taking place from July 28th to August 3rd in the WBSC Women’s Baseball World Cup Finals 2024. This World Cup is the first of four events set to take place in 2024 with the new regulations in place.   

One pivotal change is the introduction of pitch limits for the U-12, U-15, and U-18 Baseball World Cups. These limits, meticulously designed to safeguard the arms of young athletes, mark a significant stride in ensuring the safety and well-being of our future baseball stars.  

If a pitcher pitches for three days in a row, they will have to rest for more extended periods than before.   

Another key change, specifically for the U-12 Baseball Cup, is removing the re-entry rule and the designated hitter. These changes aim to enhance the game and provide a more competitive environment for our young athletes. 

Additionally, several other updates have been made to these rules and regulations. These include changes to doping control procedures, fines, suspensions, and appeals, all of which aim to ensure fair play and the integrity of the game.   

These rules hope to make it more enjoyable for the athletes playing and the parents and fans watching these championships. 

WBSC offers a platform for people to represent their country through softball or baseball. Opportunities for both men and women to play bring a rich diversity to the sporting landscape, fostering an inclusive and exciting environment for all. 

Photo Courtesy of WBSC.com

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Brad McCaffrey